Monday, December 1

Darrin Behind Motel, Jumping Dog, and Bad Ass Pipe, 2008



big ass pipe
I have a ton of new Davey work from the past 6 months that I have been a bit reluctant to put out on the internet because of some of the content. Anyway I guess I just have to get over that. Look for a new edit, Davey part III, on my site after the new year. It's gonna be good. In the meantime here are three new ones from this past week. Me, Davey, and Darrin drove along Harlem Ave. down through Summit for about an hour taking care of business then picked up Mitch and went to some girls house who's parents were gone at work. She had these big crazy dogs that were all stoned and acting crazy. That dog in the photograph was seriously jumping 4 feet in the air and slamming its face into the door. And that pipe, well it was just fucking huge. _b


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