Wednesday, May 27

DAVEY! Look!


Dude it was good to catch up today. Here is a link to that interview I was telling you about: HERE. See you soon d bag.

Saturday, May 9

Along the Way (2008)

I added a ton of photos from 2008 to the site. Check 'em out:
Along the Way (2008)

some links:

© bruce davidson
Not sure how I never came across this before, but I'm pretty sure it's my new favorite website: American Suburb X

© jason and jason
NYC artists and friends and all around rad dudes, Jason Reynolds and Jason Griffin, have a new book out! They have been hard at work at it for a long time. Check this shit out FOR SURE: Increase-Decrease

© linus bill
This dude has some rad work too: Linus Bill

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